Strategic Management (online)

The aim of this module is to get acquainted with the role and content of the company's strategy and related sub-strategies for individual areas as an integral part of the overall strategy or business planning.

Lecturer of the study module

doc. Ing. Ludmila Mladková, Ph.D.


To formulate a long-term strategy of the organization means to find answers to the basic questions of a successful functioning of the organization on the market. Determining the right goals of the company and appropriate strategies, i.e. the ways in which the goals will be achieved, is necessary on the basis of a through strategic analysis of the company, using the conclusions of the SWOT analysis. There are companies that had comparable starting conditions at some point, but some of them have become successful and others have disappeared. The key to successful business growth is choosing the optimal strategy.


  • The concept of strategy
  • Definition of the term strategic management
  • Strategic management process
  • Definition of the concept of strategic planning
  • Analysis methods
  • Corporate strategies


  • KEŘKOVSKÝ, M., Vykypěl, O. Strategické řízení Teorie pro praxi. C. H. BECK, Praha, 2007, ISBN: 80-7179-453-8